
[1] Zheng, Heng*; Liao, Ruiquan; Cheng, Ning; Shi, Shanzhi ; Microscopic mechanism of fracturing fluid imbibition in stimulated tight oil reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,202,108533.
[2] Heng Zheng*; Ruiquan Liao; Ning Cheng; Shanzhi Shi; Deji Liu ; Study of mechano-chemical effects on the morphology of hydraulic fractures,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021,206,109031.
[3] Zheng, Heng.*; Pu, Chunsheng*.; IL, C.T. Study on the Interaction Mechanism of Hydraulic Fracture and Natural Fracture in Shale Formation[J]. Energies 2019, 12, 4477.
[4] Zheng, Heng*.; Pu, Chunsheng*.; Sun, C., Numerical investigation on the hydraulic fracture propagation based on combined finite-discrete element method[J]. Journal of Structural Geology 2020, 130, 103926.
[5] Zheng, Heng*.; Pu, Chunsheng*.; Xu, E.; Sun, C., Numerical investigation on the effect of well interference on hydraulic fracture propagation in shale formation[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020, 228,106932.
[6] Zheng, Heng*.; Pu, C., Sun, C., Study on the interaction between hydraulic fracture and natural fracture based on extended finite element method[J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020,230, 106981.
[7] Zheng, Heng*.; Pu, C., Wang, Y., Sun, C., Experimental and numerical investigation on influence of pore-pressure distribution on multi-fractures propagation in tight sandstone[J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020,230, 106993.
[8] Chao Sun, Heng Zheng*, Wei David Liu, Hao Ma. Study on dynamic propagation of hydraulic fractures in enhanced thermal reservoir[J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020, 236, 107207.
[9] Chao Sun, Heng Zheng*, Wei David Liu, Wenting Lu. Numerical investigation of complex fracture network creation by cyclic pumping[J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020, 233, 107103 .
[10] Chao Sun, Heng Zheng*, Wei David Liu, Wenting Lu. Numerical simulation analysis of vertical propagation of hydraulic fracture in bedding plane [J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2020, 232, 107056 .
[11] 蒲春生,郑恒*,杨兆平,高振东.水平井分段体积压裂复杂裂缝形成机制研究现状与发展趋势[J].石油学报,2020,41(12):1734-1743.
[12] Shanzhi Shi, Heng Zheng*, Hui Kong, Yao Luo, Fushan Chen. Study on the failure mechanism in shale-sand formation based on hybrid finite-discrete element method[J], Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2022, 272, 108718 .
[1] 2022-2023年 考虑水化作用深层页岩多裂缝扩展机制研究(油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室)
[2] 2022-2024年 考虑水化作用深层纹状页岩多裂缝扩展机制研究(国家能源页岩油研发中心)
[3] 2022-2023年 采油工程辅助方案设计与跟踪评价(企业委托)
[4] 2021-2022年 砾岩油藏水平井穿层压裂技术研究(企业委托)
《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Fuel》、《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、《GEOPHYSICS》、《JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY》等国际知名期刊审稿人。
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